Cost of Dental Implants / Dental Implant Prices
Explore whether “all on four” or “same day” dental implants may be right for you. This amazing new technology speeds up the process of dental implants. Find out if you qualify.
What do dental implants cost? First, dental implant costs range from about $2259 for just implant fixture placement to about $8000 for complete reconstruction with significant bone grafting, depending on what is needed and who is performing the treatment. Second, an average cost is probably about $3-5K per tooth and $15k – $30K for reconstruction of the entire jaw with it. Third, however, these are the basic prices, only. You can’t and shouldn’t just look at cost in isolation. You need to look not only at your individual situation but also at the skill level and technology offered by any specialist offering dental implants.
Even in supposedly “affluent” San Francisco, the cost is a concern, and of course, you want to get the best value for your investment in your smile. That said, it’s really not possible to give a cut-and-dry answer to the cost of dental implants, as each patient is different with some needing just one, others needing a full mouth, and some having a relatively simple surgery and others having more needs complex. Your best option is always to come in for a no-obligation consultation and Dr. Rabinovich can go over what will be best for you and give you a cost estimate.
What is the cost of Dental Implants in San Francisco?
Here is a general discussion on the cost of dental implants. It is, of course, focused on the costs based in San Francisco, California, but the costs discussion is relevant to anyone seeking to understand pricing and costs. Prices will vary over time, and of course, vary dramatically based on what each patient needs.
There is a wide variety of practitioners who perform this procedure:
- Regular dentists who just took a weekend course and now place implants. Some are better than others. They are sometimes less expensive but not trained in full scope of implant treatment. Most of them focus on smaller and less complicated cases.
- Specialists , such as oral and maxillofacial surgeons . We are trained in full scope of implant treatment and bone grafting and are able to handle most cases, including more complicated ones and reconstructions of the entire dentition with dental implants.
Another thing to consider is that the difference in cost also depends on disjunctive procedures that are needed:
- Extraction of the natural tooth that is no longer in good condition.
- Bone grafting needed. It may be simple of complicated, sometimes requiring sinus surgery or taking a graft from another part of the body, such as the side of the patient’s jaw or hip. Most patients only need grafting with bone that comes from a bone bank and not from the patient’s body.
- Anesthesia. It is more expensive, of course, if the surgery is performed under general anesthesia
- Brand and quality of the implant fixture and parts. Brands vary in their quality but everything sold in the US has to be FDA approved. Implants placed abroad may not be FDA approved and often cannot be restored or worked on in the US as there are no parts / components for them. Some less expensive brands may not have the same versatility and may not work as well.
- Restoration on top of the implant may be more “generic” with “stock” components “out of a box” or may be more customized for a particular patient. This is obviously much better and tends to be a bit more expensive.
- Most patients need imaging (x-rays) as well as a physical examination of the area in order to determine exactly what they need. This imaging should be 3D in most cases, regular dental x-rays usually will not help. This is why it is impossible to give prices over the phone – we do not know what needs to be done.
- Prices also depend on insurance coverage. Some insurance plans can cover part of the cost, others offer a discounted fee to a patient.
Request a Consultation
For all of these reasons the most practical way to go is come into our office for an evaluation and treatment planning. Anyone who can quote you dental implant pricing and/or costs “over the phone” is not being honest. The patient must be evaluated, and a treatment plan must be established. Your best course of action is to be evaluated by more than one physician, get a cost estimate, and make an educated determination of which specialist will be right for you, your teeth, and your budget.
Our office also works with financing companies and can offer financing options, depending on your credit. Call our office with questions about our extended payment plan! If you would like to review any of these financial arrangement options with one of our team members in advance of treatment, please call (415) 992-9188 . At our office, we commit to one price for your complete treatment plan. No hidden charges will arise later. You will have your complete plan in hand, including all costs before treatment begins.