
Cheap Dental Implants in San Francisco? Consider What Affordable Really Means!

blog | September 24, 2014 - San Francisco, CA Dental implants are by no means the cheapest option for replacing missing teeth. Many patients replace only a single tooth whereas others need a whole mouth dental implant procedure. However, when compared with alternative treatments such as a bridge, or dentures, they are by far and away the best option. Comparing dental implants with dentures or a bridge is rather like comparing a Cadillac with a bicycle: both will get you to where you want to go, but we know which method we would prefer. If you replace missing teeth with


Affordable Dental Implants in the Bay Area? Consider San Francisco!

blog | September 22, 2014 - San Francisco, CA There is no doubt whatsoever that dental implants are the future of missing tooth replacement. They are so far advanced over other procedures such as a bridge or using dentures, that it seems hardly fair to mention them in the same sentence. Dental implants work in exactly the same way as your natural teeth. A titanium screw is inserted into the jawbone which, over a period of time, bonds tightly to it so that it is as effective as the root of the original tooth. A permanent ceramic tooth is then


Can Smokers Get Dental Implants? Some Q&A

blog | September 5, 2014 - San Francisco, CA Most people would agree that smoking is not good for you. Statistics show that smokers die an average of 14 years earlier than non-smokers, and very often in ways which are not pleasant. One in five smokers will die as a direct result of the habit. However, it is not just the fact that you will miss out on 14 Christmases and birthdays; smoking can do considerable damage to your teeth. Not only will it stain your teeth and make your breath smell foul, it can have a serious effect on


What are Dental Implants Made of? Titanium: Learn More

blog | August 30, 2014 - San Francisco, CA Titanium is an amazing metal and has many uses; it is especially suited to implants into the human body, in particular hip and other joint replacements, and dental implants. The name “Titanium” was derived from Greek mythology, the Titans being extremely strong warriors. Being a top dental implant surgery center in San Francisco, we get many questions on the theme of 'What are Dental implants made of?' - so here's an explanation. Because of its light weight and strength, it has many uses for the military, and is used in aircraft,


San Francisco Dental Implant Technology Overview

blog | July 30, 2014 - San Francisco, CA Dental implant surgery is commonly misunderstand by people, even in San Francisco, yet it is the most effective solution for long-term oral health. People tend to be reluctant about the going to the dentist for a few reasons: Cost, Pain, and Being unfamiliar with the procedures, thus being afraid. As San Francisco's Top Dental Implant Center, we've put together a brief overview of dental implant surgery and the technology behind it. Reasons for Dental Implants Replace one or more missing teeth without affecting adjacent teeth. Resolve joint pain or bite problems


San Francisco Dental Implants Are More Affordable Than You Think

blog | July 24, 2014 - San Francisco, CA Teeth are one of the most important parts of our bodies. They are where nutrition and digestion begin. We need our teeth for support of a healthy body. When we are missing teeth, our health is ultimately affected, and we become more subconscious about our appearance as well. When we are missing a tooth, the teeth on either side of it eventually shift or lean towards the open space, which further cause dental problems that become more serious. Replacing missing teeth is important in preventing more serious problems down the road,


A Way To Improve Your Smile: Dental Implants

blog | July 11, 2014 - San Francisco, CA "Don't judge a book by its cover." How many times have you heard that admonition? Look deeper, beyond the superficial, for true beauty, right? That’s true, but let’s be realistic, humans make instant judgements about other humans, and often those are based on appearance. Whether fair or not, your smile (and the teeth that make up that smile) are a factor in determining how others see you, and even how you see yourself. This quick blog post discusses why your smile matters and touches on dental implants as a possible way

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