Plenty of messages from the media tell us that the world should “accept us for who we are,” which is partially correct. Of course, it shouldn’t matter what hair color you have or whether you enjoy a good game of pickleball. Certain preferences and traits should be embraced instead of rejected. The combination of personality and interests is what makes each person uniquely themselves.
If a person is looking for a romantic relationship, they may be open to learning more about someone who has different interests and outlooks. Yet, that can only go so far. Maybe a woman can overlook a man’s extensive San Francisco 49ers wardrobe or his preference for pineapple on pizza. Yet, when it comes to personal hygiene and one’s teeth, she probably isn’t going to lower her standards.
Most men and women understand that good grooming is essential to attractiveness, but they might ignore what’s right in front of their faces: their teeth.
For example, a guy may have a few missing teeth. He flosses and keeps them clean, but that’s not enough. It’s noticeable when he smiles, he’s missing a few pearly whites. And that impression may communicate poor hygiene even if the reality is different. And if someone is thinking about filling those missing spaces, they might be concerned about the cost of dental implants. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons.
The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
There is a price for everything. Sometimes it’s financial, and other times it’s emotional or social. The first thing to think about when considering the cost of dental implants is the long-term cost to your quality of life. Are you missing out on certain opportunities because someone has already judged you based on your teeth? Guys might use it as a litmus test to make sure the women they date are not shallow. Yet that would be a bad move. Because perceived good personal hygiene isn’t only a human interest; it’s driven by Mother Nature. During mating season, various types of males will show themselves to be the optimum suitor by displaying their colors, bodies, and teeth. The National Library of Medicine ( provides an article suggesting “That Teeth Act as Human Ornament Displays Signaling Mate Quality.” The study mentions how teeth can tell a prospective mate about one’s health and personal history. Notations and photos show how gaps between teeth receive attractiveness ratings by the opposite sex. Someone who wants to brush off their bad smile should remember the search for a healthy companion is rooted in human nature. The teeth are a big indicator for both women and men.
But if someone “swiping left” on your profile isn’t a concern, consider this: Poor teeth can impact more than your love life. Opportunities in the workplace could be derailed due to an unhealthy-looking smile. An article in Dentistry UK notes smiling is a sign of friendliness and approachability. A warm, honest smile can build relationships and encourage staff to be more cooperative and willing to communicate ( This might be true for upper management who make the decisions who to promote too.
With all of this to consider, the cost of dental implants might be very reasonable. However, the price to replace one tooth or several can vary. Contact our SF Dental Implants clinic (, and we’ll help you through the possibilities.